Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What do Miss California, President Obama, and Elton John have in common?

Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean, doesn’t agree with the notion of gay marriage. Now, according to some, that makes her a bad person. Asked by judge Perez Hilton about the issue at the Miss USA pageant, Prejean replied:

“We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised.”


During the last presidential campaign President Obama answered the same question by declaring:

“I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.”

Elton John has also weighed in, saying:

“If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership… The word ‘marriage,’ I think, puts a lot of people off. You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships.”

Full Story

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